def get_shifts_to_search(config: dict, nbp_basic: NotebookPage, nbp_debug: Optional[NotebookPage] = None) -> dict:
Using information in config dictionary to get range of shifts to search over when finding overlap between
overlapping tiles in south and west directions.
config: 'stitch' section of .ini document.
nbp_basic: `basic_info` notebook page
nbp_debug: `stitch` notebook page where debugging information for stitching is kept.
If provided, south_start_shift_search and west_start_shift_search variables added to page.
`shifts[j][i]` contains the shifts to search over for overlap in the `j` direction for coordinate `i` where:
`j = 'south', 'west'`.
`i = 'y', 'x', 'z'`.
expected_shift_south = np.array([-(1 - config['expected_overlap']) * nbp_basic.tile_sz, 0, 0]).astype(int)
auto_shift_south_extent = np.array(config['auto_n_shifts']) * np.array(config['shift_step'])
expected_shift_west = expected_shift_south[[1, 0, 2]]
auto_shift_west_extent = auto_shift_south_extent[[1, 0, 2]]
if config['shift_south_min'] is None:
config['shift_south_min'] = list(expected_shift_south - auto_shift_south_extent)
if config['shift_south_max'] is None:
config['shift_south_max'] = list(expected_shift_south + auto_shift_south_extent)
if config['shift_west_min'] is None:
config['shift_west_min'] = list(expected_shift_west - auto_shift_west_extent)
if config['shift_west_max'] is None:
config['shift_west_max'] = list(expected_shift_west + auto_shift_west_extent)
directions = ['south', 'west']
coords = ['y', 'x', 'z']
shifts = {'south': {}, 'west': {}}
for j in directions:
if nbp_debug is not None:
nbp_debug.__setattr__(j + '_' + 'start_shift_search', np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=int))
for i in range(len(coords)):
shifts[j][coords[i]] = np.arange(config['shift_' + j + '_min'][i],
config['shift_' + j + '_max'][i] +
config['shift_step'][i] / 2, config['shift_step'][i]).astype(int)
if nbp_debug is not None:
nbp_debug.__getattribute__(j + '_' + 'start_shift_search')[i, :] = [config['shift_' + j + '_min'][i],
config['shift_' + j + '_max'][i],
if not nbp_basic.is_3d:
shifts['south']['z'] = np.array([0], dtype=int)
shifts['west']['z'] = np.array([0], dtype=int)
if nbp_debug is not None:
for j in directions:
nbp_debug.__getattribute__(j + '_' + 'start_shift_search')[2, :2] = 0
return shifts