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Here we outline in detail, how each part of the pipeline works including what each parameter in the configuration file is used for. Some useful plots that can be run for debugging purposes or to help understand what is going on are indicated. Potential errors that can be hit during each stage of the pipeline are also mentioned.

Instructions on how to re-run a section of the pipeline are given here.

A brief description on what each step of the pipeline does is given below:


The times taken for a 3D experiment with 4 tiles, 7 rounds, 7 channels and tiles of dimension \(2048\times 2048\times 50\) are given for each section. There are three sets of profiling results:

  • One for the whole pipeline, but with code that is a bit outdated.
  • One with up to date code, excluding the extract and filter step.
  • One with up to date code, excluding the extract and filter step and not using the optimised code.

These times were obtained on an M1 2021 Macbook Pro. Because the nd2 library does not work on this computer, the nd2reader library was used instead, hence the time taken for the extract and filter stage may not be accurate.

Note that nd2reader does not work for QuadCam data, hence we use the nd2 library.

  • Extract and Filter: This loads in an image from the input directory for each tile, round and channel. It then filters each one and saves them as npy files in the tile directory.

    Time: 57 minutes

  • Find Spots: For each tile, round and channel, this loads in the filtered image from the tile directory. It then detects spots on each one and saves the \(yxz\) coordinates of each spot to the Notebook. This now gives us a point cloud for each tile, round and channel.

    Time: 7 minutes, 10 seconds
    Time (not optimised): 61 minutes, 50 seconds

  • Stitching: This takes the point clouds on neighbouring tiles of the reference round / reference channel and uses them to find the overlap between the tiles. After doing this for all sets of neighbouring tiles, we obtain a \(yxz\) origin coordinate (bottom left corner) for each tile such that a global coordinate system is created (i.e. given a coordinate on a tile, we can obtain the global coordinate by adding the origin coordinate of that tile).

    Time: 43 seconds (14 seconds per shift)

  • Register Initial: For each tile, this finds the shift between the reference round / reference channel and each sequencing round through an exhaustive search using the point clouds. In total, \(n_{tiles} \times n_{rounds}\) shifts are found.

    Time: 5 minutes, 48 seconds (12.4 seconds per shift)

  • Register: This takes the shifts found in the Register Initial step and uses them as a starting point to determine the affine transform between the reference round / reference channel and each sequencing round and channel for each tile. This is done through an iterative closest point algorithm (ICP) and in total, \(n_{tiles} \times n_{rounds} \times n_{channels}\) transforms are found.

    Time: 20 seconds

  • Get Reference Spots: For each spot detected on the reference round / reference channel, this uses the transforms obtained in the Register step to determine the corresponding coordinate in each sequencing round and channel. For each sequencing round and chanel, it then loads in the filtered image from the tile directory and reads off the intensity at the computed coordinate. This gives a \(n_{rounds}\times n_{channels}\) spot color for each reference spot.

    Time: 3 minutes, 18 seconds
    Time (not optimised): 3 minutes, 18 seconds

  • Call Reference Spots: For each gene, a \(n_{rounds}\times n_{channels}\) bled code is obtained which indicates what the spot color of spots assigned to that gene should look like. For each spot, we determine which gene it corresponds to by computing a dot product between its spot color and each gene bled code. The spot is assigned to the gene for which this dot product is the largest.

    Time: 16 seconds
    Time (not optimised): 30 seconds

  • OMP: For each pixel in the global coordinates, the spot color is obtained. Then multiple gene bled codes are fit until the residual spot color cannot be explained by any further genes. For each gene that is fit, we obtain a coefficient indicating how much of that gene's bled code is required to explain the spot color. Once this is done for all pixels, we have a coefficient for each gene at each pixel. This allows us to build a coefficient image for each gene. Spots are then detected on these images. This gives us a second distribution of genes which allows for overlapping spots and spots at locations not detected in the reference round / reference channel.

    Time: 1 hour, 16 minutes
    Time (not optimised): 20 hours, 53 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours, 33 minutes
Total Time (not optimised): 23 hours, 6 minutes

Order of Steps

The results of the Stitching part of the pipeline are first used in the Get Reference Spots step. Thus, the Stitching part can actually be run anywhere between the Find Spots and Get Reference Spots steps.

All other steps must be run in the order indicated.