Notebook Comments
file_names page contains all files that are used throughout the pipeline. tile
is the only variable not included in the config file and is worked out automatically. Page added to Notebook automatically as soon as basic_info page added.
input_dir: Directory.
Where raw nd2 files are
output_dir: Directory.
Where notebook is saved
tile_dir: Directory.
Where tile npy files saved
round: List [n_rounds].
Names of nd2 files for the imaging rounds. If not using, will be an empty list.
anchor: String or None.
Name of nd2 file for the anchor round.
if anchor not used -
raw_extension: String.
.nd2 or .npy indicating the data type of the raw data.
raw_metadata: String or None.
raw_extension = .npy
, this is the name of the json file ininput_dir
which contains the required metadata extracted from the initial nd2 files. I.e. it is the output of coppafish/utils/nd2/save_metadata -
dye_camera_laser: File.
csv file giving the approximate raw intensity for each dye with each camera/laser combination
code_book: File.
Text file which contains the codes indicating which dye to expect on each round for each gene
scale: File.
Text file saved containing the
values used to create the tile npy files in the tile_dir. If the second value is 0, it meansextract['scale_anchor']
has not been calculated yet.If the extract step of the pipeline is re-run with
different to values saved here, an error will be raised. -
psf: File or None.
npy file indicating average spot shape (before padding and scaled to fill uint16 range). Will be
if 2D pipeline used. File won't exist/used ifconfig['extract']['deconvolve'] = False
. If 3D, 1st axis in npy file is z. -
omp_spot_shape: File.
npy file indicating average spot shape in OMP coefficient sign images. Saved image is int8 npy with only values being -1, 0, 1.
omp_spot_info: File.
After each tile is finished in OMP, information about spots found is saved as array to npy file:
numpy int16 array [n_spots x 7]
containing \(y\), \(x\), \(z\),gene_no
. If 3D, 1st axis in npy file is z. -
omp_spot_coef: File.
After each tile is finished in OMP, coefficients for all spots found is saved as sparse
to npz file:CSR_matrix float [n_spots x n_genes]
giving coefficient found for each gene for each spot.
big_dapi_image: File or None.
npz file of stitched DAPI image. None if
nb.basic_info.dapi_channel = None
If 3D, 1st axis in npz file is z. -
big_anchor_image: File.
npz file of stitched image of
. Will be stitched anchor if anchor used. If 3D, 1st axis in npz file is z. -
pciseq: List of 2 files.
csv files where plotting information for pciSeq is saved.
is the path where the OMP method output will be saved.pciseq[1]
is the path where the ref_spots method output will be saved.If files don't exist, they will be created when the function coppafish/export_to_pciseq is run.
tile: List of numpy string arrays [n_tiles][(n_rounds + n_extra_rounds) {x n_channels if 3d}].
is the npy file containing all channels of tile \(t\), round \(r\).3D:
is the npy file containing all z planes for tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\)
basic_info page contains information that is used at all stages of the pipeline. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
is_3d: Boolean.
if 3D pipeline used,False
if 2D -
anchor_round: Integer or None.
Index of anchor round (typically the first round after imaging rounds so
anchor_round = n_rounds
if anchor not used. -
anchor_channel: Integer or None.
Channel in anchor round used as reference and to build coordinate system on. Usually channel with most spots.
if anchor not used. -
dapi_channel: Integer or None.
Channel in anchor round that contains DAPI images.
if no DAPI. -
ref_round: Integer.
Round to align all imaging rounds to. Will be anchor if using.
ref_channel: Integer.
Channel in reference round used as reference and to build coordinate system on. Usually channel with most spots. Will be
if using anchor round -
use_channels: Integer List [n_use_channels].
Channels in imaging rounds to use throughout pipeline.
use_rounds: Integer List [n_use_rounds].
Imaging rounds to use throughout pipeline.
use_z: Integer List [nz].
z planes used to make tile npy files
use_tiles: Integer List [n_use_tiles].
Tiles to use throughout pipeline. For an experiment where the tiles are arranged in a \(4 \times 3\) (\(n_y \times n_x\)) grid, tile indices are indicated as below:
| 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 5 | 4 | 3 |
| 8 | 7 | 6 |
| 11 | 10 | 9 |
use_dyes: Integer List [n_use_dyes].
Dyes to use when assigning spots to genes.
dye_names: String List [n_dyes] or None.
Names of all dyes so for gene with code \(360...\), gene appears with
in round \(0\),dye_names[6]
in round \(1\),dye_names[0]
in round \(2\) etc.None
if each channel corresponds to a different dye. -
channel_camera: Integer List [n_channels] or None.
is the wavelength in nm of the camera on channel \(i\).None
ifdye_names = None
. -
channel_laser: Integer List [n_channels] or None.
is the wavelength in nm of the laser on channel \(i\).None
ifdye_names = None
. -
tile_pixel_value_shift: Integer.
This is added onto every tile (except DAPI) when it is saved and removed from every tile when loaded. Required so we can have negative pixel values when save to npy as uint16.
n_extra_rounds: Integer.
Number of non-imaging rounds, typically 1 if using anchor and 0 if not.
n_rounds: Integer.
Number of imaging rounds in the raw data
tile_sz: Integer.
\(yx\) dimension of tiles in pixels
n_tiles: Integer.
Number of tiles in the raw data
n_channels: Integer.
Number of channels in the raw data
nz: Integer.
Number of z-planes used to make the npy tile images (can be different from number in raw data).
n_dyes: Integer.
Number of dyes used
tile_centre: Numpy float array [3].
[y, x, z]
location of tile centre in units of[yx_pixels, yx_pixels, z_pixels]
. For 2D pipeline,tile_centre[2] = 0
tilepos_yx_nd2: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x 2].
tilepos_yx_nd2[i, :]
is the \(yx\) position of tile with fov index \(i\) in the nd2 file.Index 0 refers to
YX = [0, 0]
Index 1 refers to
YX = [0, 1]
ifMaxX > 0
tilepos_yx: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x 2].
tilepos_yx[i, :]
is the \(yx\) position of tile with tile directory (npy files) index \(i\). Equally,tilepos_yx[use_tiles[i], :]
is \(yx\) position of tileuse_tiles[i]
.Index 0 refers to
YX = [MaxY, MaxX]
Index 1 refers to
YX = [MaxY, MaxX - 1]
ifMaxX > 0
pixel_size_xy: Float.
\(yx\) pixel size in microns
pixel_size_z: Float.
\(z\) pixel size in microns
use_anchor: Boolean.
if anchor round is used,False
if not.
The extract page contains variables from extract_and_filter
step which are used later in the pipeline. auto_thresh
is used in find_spots
step. hist_values
and hist_counts
are used for normalisation between channels in the call_reference_spots
step. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
auto_thresh: Numpy float array
[n_tiles x (n_rounds + n_extra_rounds) x n_channels]
.auto_thresh[t, r, c]
is the threshold spot intensity for tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\) used for spot detection in thefind_spots
step of the pipeline. -
hist_values: Numpy integer array [n_pixel_values].
All possible pixel values in saved npy images i.e. length is approx
hist_counts: Numpy integer array
[n_pixel_values x n_rounds x n_channels]
.hist_counts[i, r, c]
is the number of pixels across all tiles in round \(r\), channel \(c\) which had the valuehist_values[i]
extract_debug page stores variables from extract_and_filter
step which are not needed later in the pipeline but may be useful for debugging purposes. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
n_clip_pixels: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x (n_rounds + n_extra_rounds) x n_channels].
n_clip_pixels[t, r, c]
is the number of pixels in the saved npy tile for tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\) which had intensity exceeding max uint16 value and so had to be clipped. -
clip_extract_scale: Numpy float array [n_tiles x (n_rounds + n_extra_rounds) x n_channels].
clip_extract_scale[t, r, c]
is the recommended value for extract_scale such that for tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\)n_clip_pixels[t, r, c]
would be 0. Only computed for images wheren_clip_pixels[t, r, c] > 0
r1: Integer.
Filtering is done with a 2D difference of hanning filter with inner radius
within which it is positive and outer radiusr2
so annulus betweenr1
is negative. Should be approx radius of spot.By default this is 0.5 micron converted to yx-pixel units which is typically 3.
r2: Integer.
Filtering is done with a 2D difference of hanning filter with inner radius
within which it is positive and outer radiusr2
so annulus betweenr1
is negative. Units are yx-pixels and by default it will be twice r1.Typical: 6
r_dapi: Integer or None.
Filtering for DAPI images is a tophat with
radius. Should be approx radius of object of interest. Typically this is 8 micron converted to yx-pixel units which is typically 48. By default, it isNone
meaning DAPI not filtered at all and npy file not saved. -
psf: Numpy float array [psf_shape[0] x psf_shape[1] x psf_shape[2]] or None (psf_shape is in config file).
Average shape of spot from individual raw spot images normalised so max is 1 and min is 0.
ifconfig['deconvolve'] = False
. -
psf_intensity_thresh: Float.
Intensity threshold used to detect spots in raw images which were used to make the psf. None if
config['deconvolve'] = False
or psf provided without spot detection. -
psf_tiles_used: Integer list or None.
Tiles where spots for psf calculation came from.
ifconfig['deconvolve'] = False
or psf provided without spot detection. -
scale: Float.
Multiplier applied to filtered nd2 imaging round images before saving as npy so full uint16 occupied.
scale_tile: Integer or None.
Tile of image that scale was found from.
provided. -
scale_channel: Integer or None.
Channel of image that scale was found from.
provided. -
scale_z: Integer or None.
z plane of image that scale was found from.
provided. -
scale_anchor: Float or None.
Multiplier applied to filtered nd2 anchor round images before saving as npy so full uint16 occupied.
ifuse_anchor = False
. -
scale_anchor_tile: Integer or None.
Tile of image in anchor round/channel that
was found from.None
provided oruse_anchor = False
. -
scale_anchor_z: Integer or None.
z plane of image in anchor round/channel that
was found from.None
provided oruse_anchor = False
. -
z_info: Integer.
z plane in npy file from which
were calculated. By default, this is the mid plane.
find_spots page contains information about spots found on all tiles, rounds and channels. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
isolation_thresh: Numpy float array [n_tiles].
Spots found on tile \(t\),
are isolated if annular filtered image is belowisolation_thresh[t]
at spot location.Typical: 0
spot_no: Numpy int32 array [n_tiles x (n_rounds + n_extra_rounds) x n_channels].
spot_no[t, r, c]
is the number of spots found on tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\) -
spot_details: Numpy int16 array [n_total_spots x 7].
is[tile, round, channel, isolated, y, x, z]
for spot \(i\) isolated is 0 for all non reference round/channel spots and is 1 for isolated reference spots. \(y\), \(x\) gives the local tile coordinates in yx-pixels. \(z\) gives local tile coordinate in z-pixels (0 if 2D)
stitch page contains information about how tiles were stitched together to give global coordinates. Only tile_origin
is used in later stages of the pipeline. Note that references to south in this section should really be north and west should be east. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
tile_origin: Numpy float array [n_tiles x 3].
is the bottom left \(yxz\) coordinate of tile \(t\). \(yx\) coordinates in yx-pixels and z coordinate in z-pixels. -
south_start_shift_search: Numpy integer array [3 x 3].
Initial search range used to find overlap between south neighbouring tiles
[i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
west_start_shift_search: Numpy integer array [3 x 3].
Initial search range used to find overlap between west neighbouring tiles
[i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
south_final_shift_search: Numpy integer array [3 x 3].
Final search range used to find overlap between south neighbouring tiles
[i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
west_final_shift_search: Numpy integer array [3 x 3].
Final search range used to find overlap between west neighbouring tiles
[i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
south_pairs: Numpy integer array [n_south_overlap x 2].
south_pairs[i, 1]
is the tile to the north ofsouth_pairs[i, 0]
west_pairs: Numpy integer array [n_west_overlap x 2].
west_pairs[i, 1]
is the tile to the east ofwest_pairs[i, 0]
south_shifts: Numpy integer array [n_south_overlap x 3].
south_shifts[i, :]
is the \(yxz\) shift found that is applied tosouth_pairs[i, 0]
to take it tosouth_pairs[i, 1]
[yx_pixels, yx_pixels, z_pixels]
,[:, 2] = 0
if 2D. -
west_shifts: Numpy integer array [n_west_overlap x 3].
west_shifts[i, :]
is the \(yxz\) shift found that is applied towest_pairs[i, 0]
to take it towest_pairs[i, 1]
[yx_pixels, yx_pixels, z_pixels]
,[:, 2] = 0
if 2D. -
south_score: Numpy float array [n_south_overlap].
is approximately the number of matches found forsouth_shifts[i, :]
west_score: Numpy float array [n_west_overlap].
is approximately the number of matches found forwest_shifts[i, :]
south_score_thresh: Numpy float array [n_south_overlap].
is belowsouth_score_thresh[i]
, it indicatessouth_shifts[i]
may be incorrect. -
west_score_thresh: Numpy float array [n_west_overlap].
is belowwest_score_thresh[i]
, it indicateswest_shifts[i]
found may be incorrect. -
south_outlier_shifts: Numpy integer array [n_south_overlap x 3].
was belowsouth_score_thresh[i]
was found again and old shift recorded assouth_outlier_shifts[i]
. Will be zero if this did not happen. -
west_outlier_shifts: Numpy integer array [n_west_overlap x 3].
was belowwest_score_thresh[i]
was found again and old shift recorded aswest_outlier_shifts[i]
. Will be zero if this did not happen. -
south_outlier_score: Numpy float array [n_south_overlap].
was belowsouth_score_thresh[i]
was found again and old score recorded assouth_outlier_score[i]
. Will be zero if this did not happen. -
west_outlier_score: Numpy float array [n_west_overlap].
was belowwest_score_thresh[i]
was found again and old score recorded aswest_outlier_score[i]
. Will be zero if this did not happen.
register_initial page contains information about how shift between ref round/channel to each imaging round for each tile was found. These are then used as the starting point for determining the affine transforms. Only shift
is used in later stages of the pipeline. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
shift: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x n_rounds x 3].
shift[t, r, :]
is the \(yxz\) shift found that is applied to tile \(t\),ref_round
to take it to tile \(t\), round \(r\).Units:
[yx_pixels, yx_pixels, z_pixels]
,[:, :, 2] = 0
if 2D. Same asinitial_shift
in register page. -
shift_channel: Integer.
Channel used to find find shifts between rounds to use as starting point for point cloud registration. Typically this is
or a channel with lots of spots. -
start_shift_search: Numpy integer array [n_rounds x 3 x 3].
[r, :, :]
is the initial search range used to find shift from reference round to round \(r\) for all tiles[r, i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[r, 2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
final_shift_search: Numpy integer array [n_rounds x 3 x 3].
[r, :, :]
is the final search range used to find shift from reference round to round \(r\) for all tiles[r, i, :]
is the[min, max, step]
of the search in direction \(i\) (0 is \(y\), 1 is \(x\), 2 is \(z\)).[r, 2,:]
is in units of z-pixels and is 0 if 2D. -
shift_score: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds].
shift_score[t, r]
is is approximately the number of matches found forshift[t,r]
shift_score_thresh: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds].
shift_score[t, r]
is belowshift_score_thresh[t, r]
, it indicatesshift[t,r]
may be incorrect. -
shift_outlier: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x n_rounds x 3].
shift_score[t, r]
was belowshift_score_thresh[t, r]
,shift[t, r]
was found again and old shift recorded asshift_outlier[t, r]
. Will be zero if this did not happen. -
shift_score_outlier: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds].
shift_score[t, r]
was belowshift_score_thresh[t, r]
,shift[t, r]
was found again and old score recorded asshift_score_outlier[t, r]
. Will be zero if this did not happen.
register page contains the affine transforms to go from the ref round/channel to each imaging round/channel for every tile. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
initial_shift: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x n_rounds x 3].
shift[t, r, :]
is the \(yxz\) shift found that is applied to tile \(t\),ref_round
to take it to tile \(t\), round \(r\). Units:[yx_pixels, yx_pixels, z_pixels]
,[:, :, 2] = 0
if 2D. Same as shift in register_initial page. DON'T KNOW WHY COPIED THIS - PROBABLY SHOULD REMOVE -
transform: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels x 4 x 3].
transform[t, r, c]
is the affine transform to get from tile \(t\),ref_round
to tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\) Before applying to coordinates, they must be centered and z coordinates put into units of yx-pixels. If 2D, z scaling set to 1 while shift and rotation set to 0.
register_debug page contains information on how the affine transforms in register page were calculated. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
n_matches: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels].
Number of matches found for each transform. A match is when distance between points is less than
. -
n_matches_thresh: Numpy integer array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels].
n_matches[t, r, c]
must exceedn_matches_thresh[t, r, c]
otherwisefailed[t, r, c] = True
and transform found again using regularisation. -
error: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels].
Average distance between neighbours closer than
for each transform. -
failed: Numpy boolean array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels].
failed[t, r, c] = True
iftransform[t, r, c]
had too few matches or was anomalous compared to average.n_matches_thresh
in this page andscale_dev_thresh
in config file quantify the required matches / deviation. -
converged: Numpy boolean array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels].
This is
for transforms where the ICP algorithm reachedconfig['register']['n_iter']
iterations before transform converged. -
av_scaling: Numpy float array [n_channels x 3].
is the \(yxz\) chromatic aberration scale factor to channel \(c\) from theref_channel
averaged over all rounds and tiles. Expect the \(y\) and \(x\) scaling to be the same and all scalings to be approx 1. -
av_shifts: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds x 3].
av_shifts[t, r]
is the \(yxz\) shift from tile \(t\),ref_round
to tile \(t\), round \(r\) averaged over all channels. All three directions are in yx-pixel units. -
transform_outlier: Numpy float array [n_tiles x n_rounds x n_channels x 4 x 3].
[t, r, c]
is the final transform found for tile \(t\), round \(r\), channel \(c\) without regularisation. Regularisation only used for \(t\),\(r\),\(c\) indicated by failed and sotransform_outlier = 0
for others.
ref_spots page contains gene assignments and info for spots found on reference round. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/ The variables gene_no
, score
, score_diff
, intensity
will be set to None
after get_reference_spots
. call_reference_spots
should then be run to give their actual values. This is so if there is an error in call_reference_spots
, get_reference_spots
won't have to be re-run.
local_yxz: Numpy int16 array [n_spots x 3].
are the \(yxz\) coordinates of spot \(s\) found ontile[s]
. To getglobal_yxz
, addnb.stitch.tile_origin[tile[s]]
. -
isolated: Numpy boolean array [n_spots].
for spots that are well isolated i.e. surroundings have low intensity so no nearby spots. -
tile: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
Tile each spot was found on.
colors: Numpy int32 array [n_spots x n_rounds x n_channels].
[s, r, c]
is the intensity of spot \(s\) on round \(r\), channel \(c\).-tile_pixel_value_shift
if that round/channel not used otherwise integer. -
gene_no: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
is the index of the gene assigned to spot \(s\). -
score: Numpy float32 array [n_spots].
is the dot product score, \(\Delta_{s0g}\), betweencolors[s]
. Normalisation depends onconfig['call_spots']['dot_product_method']
. -
score_diff: Numpy float16 array [n_spots].
minus the score for the second best gene assignement for spot \(s\). -
intensity: Numpy float32 array [n_spots].
\(\chi_s = \underset{r}{\mathrm{median}}(\max_c\zeta_{s_{rc}})\) where \(\pmb{\zeta}_s=\)
colors[s, r]/color_norm_factor[r]
call_spots page contains bleed_matrix
and expected code for each gene. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
gene_names: Numpy string array [n_genes].
Names of all genes in the code book provided.
gene_codes: Numpy integer array [n_genes x n_rounds].
gene_codes[g, r]
indicates the dye that should be present for gene \(g\) in round \(r\). -
color_norm_factor: Numpy float array [n_rounds x n_channels].
Normalisation such that dividing
equalizes intensity of channels.config['call_spots']['bleed_matrix_method']
indicates whether normalisation is for rounds and channels or just channels. -
initial_raw_bleed_matrix: Numpy float array [n_rounds x n_channels x n_dyes].
initial_raw_bleed_matrix[r, c, d]
is the estimate of the raw intensity of dye \(d\) in round \(r\), channel \(c\). All will be nan if separate dye for each channel. -
initial_bleed_matrix: Numpy float array [n_rounds x n_channels x n_dyes].
Starting point for determination of bleed matrix. If separate dye for each channel,
will be the identity matrix for each \(r\). Otherwise, it will beinitial_raw_bleed_matrix
divided bycolor_norm_factor
. -
bleed_matrix: Numpy float array [n_rounds x n_channels x n_dyes].
For a spot, \(s\), which should be dye \(d\) in round \(r\), we expect
color[s, r]/color_norm_factor[r]
to be a constant multiple ofbleed_matrix[r, :, d]
background_codes: Numpy float array [n_channels x n_rounds x n_channels].
These are the background codes for which each spot has a
.background_codes[C, r, c] = 1
and 0 otherwise for all rounds \(r\).nan
if \(r\)/\(c\) outsideuse_rounds
. -
bled_codes: Numpy float array [n_genes x n_rounds x n_channels].
color[s, r]/color_norm_factor[r]
of spot, \(s\), corresponding to gene \(g\) is expected to be a constant multiple ofbled_codes[g, r]
in round \(r\).nan
if \(r\)/\(c\) outsideuse_rounds
and 0 ifgene_codes[g,r]
. All codes have L2 norm = 1 when summed across alluse_rounds
. -
gene_efficiency: Numpy float array [n_genes x n_rounds].
gives the expected intensity of gene \(g\) in round \(r\) compared to that expected by thebleed_matrix
. It is computed based on the average of isolated spot_colors assigned to that gene which exceedscore
thresholds given in config file. For all \(g\), there is anav_round[g]
such thatgene_efficiency[g, av_round[g]] = 1
if \(r\) outsideuse_rounds
and 1 ifgene_codes[g,r]
. -
bled_codes_ge: Numpy float array [n_genes x n_rounds x n_channels].
information i.e.bled_codes * gene_efficiency
. All codes have L2 norm = 1 when summed across alluse_rounds
. -
background_weight_shift: Float.
Shift to apply to weighting of each background vector to limit boost of weak spots. The weighting of round \(r\) for the fitting of the background vector for channel \(c\) is
1 / (spot_color[r, c] + background_weight_shift)
ensures this does not go to infinity for smallspot_color[r, c]
. Typicalspot_color[r, c]
is 1 for intense spot sobackground_weight_shift
is small fraction of this. -
dp_norm_shift: Float.
When calculating the dot product score, this is the small shift to apply when normalising
to ensure don't divide by zero. Value is for a single round and is multiplied bysqrt(n_rounds_used)
when computing dot product score. Expected norm of aspot_color
for a single round is 1 sodp_norm_shift
is a small fraction of this. -
abs_intensity_percentile: Numpy float array [100] or None.
is the i% percentile of absolutepixel_colors
.This is used to compute
if not provided. -
norm_shift_tile: Integer.
Tile that is used to compute
from whichdp_norm_shift
are computed. -
norm_shift_z: Integer.
z-plane that is used to compute
from whichdp_norm_shift
are computed. -
gene_efficiency_intensity_thresh: Float.
is computed from spots with intensity greater than this. By default, it is set to theconfig['call_spots']['gene_efficiency_intensity_thresh_percentile']
percentile of theintensity
computed for all pixels on the mid z-plane of the most central tile
omp page contains gene assignments and info for spots located at the local maxima of the gene coefficients returned by OMP. Also contains info about spot_shape
which indicates the expected sign of the OMP coefficient in a neighbourhood centered on a spot. Page added to Notebook in pipeline/
initial_intensity_thresh: Float.
To save time in
, coefficients only found for pixels withintensity
of absolutespot_colors
greater thaninitial_intensity_thresh
. This threshold is set to theconfig['omp']['initial_intensity_thresh_percentile']
percentile of the absoluteintensity
of all pixels on the mid z-plane of the central tile (usesnb.call_spots.abs_intensity_percentile
). It is also clamped between the min and max values given in config file. -
shape_tile: Integer or None.
was found from spots detected on this tile.None
not computed in this experiment. -
shape_spot_local_yxz: Numpy integer array [n_shape_spots x 3] or None.
\(yxz\) coordinates on
of spots used to computespot_shape
not computed in this experiment. -
shape_spot_gene_no: Numpy integer array [n_shape_spots] or None.
is the gene that the spot atshape_spot_local_yxz[s]
was assigned to.None
not computed in this experiment. -
spot_shape_float: Numpy float array [shape_max_size[0] x shape_max_size[1] x shape_max_size[2]] or None.
Mean of OMP coefficient sign in neighbourhood centered on spot.
not computed in this experiment. -
initial_pos_neighbour_thresh: Integer.
Only spots with number of positive coefficient neighbours greater than this are saved to notebook.
Typical = 4 in 2D and 40 in 3D (set to 10% of max number by default).
spot_shape: Numpy integer array [shape_size_y x shape_size_y x shape_size_x].
Expected sign of OMP coefficient in neighbourhood centered on spot.
1 means expected positive coefficient.
-1 means expected negative coefficient.
0 means unsure of expected sign.
local_yxz: Numpy int16 array [n_spots, 3].
are the \(yxz\) coordinates of spot \(s\) found ontile[s]
. To getglobal_yxz
, addnb.stitch.tile_origin[tile[s]]
. -
tile: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
Tile each spot was found on.
colors: Numpy int32 array [n_spots x n_rounds x n_channels].
[s, r, c]
is the intensity of spot \(s\) on round \(r\), channel \(c\). It will be-tile_pixel_value_shift
if that round/channel not used otherwise integer. -
gene_no: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
is the index of the gene assigned to spot \(s\). -
n_neighbours_pos: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
Number of positive pixels around each spot in neighbourhood given by
. Max issum(spot_shape==1)
. -
n_neighbours_neg: Numpy int16 array [n_spots].
Number of negative pixels around each spot in neighbourhood given by
. Max issum(spot_shape==-1)
. -
intensity: Numpy float32 array [n_spots].
\(\chi_s = \underset{r}{\mathrm{median}}(\max_c\zeta_{s_{rc}})\) where \(\pmb{\zeta}_s=\)
colors[s, r]/color_norm_factor[r]
thresholds page contains quality thresholds which affect which spots plotted and which are exported to pciSeq. Page added to Notebook when utils/pciseq/export_to_pciseq is run.
intensity: Float.
Final accepted reference and OMP spots require
intensity > thresholds[intensity]
. This is copied fromconfig[thresholds]
and if not given there, will be set tonb.call_spots.gene_efficiency_intensity_thresh
. intensity for a really intense spot is about 1 so intensity_thresh should be less than this. -
score_ref: Float.
Final accepted reference spots are those which pass
which is:nb.ref_spots.score > thresholds[score_ref]
andintensity > thresholds[intensity]
.This is copied from
. Max score is 1 soscore_ref
should be less than this. -
score_omp: Float.
Final accepted OMP spots are those which pass
which is:score > thresholds[score_omp]
andintensity > thresholds[intensity]
is given by:score = (score_omp_multiplier * n_neighbours_pos + n_neighbours_neg) / (score_omp_multiplier * n_neighbours_pos_max + n_neighbours_neg_max)
.This is copied from
. Max score is 1 soscore_thresh
should be less than this. -
score_omp_multiplier: Float.
Final accepted OMP spots are those which pass quality_threshold which is:
score > thresholds[score_omp]
andintensity > thresholds[intensity]
.score is given by:
score = (score_omp_multiplier * n_neighbours_pos + n_neighbours_neg) / (score_omp_multiplier * n_neighbours_pos_max + n_neighbours_neg_max)
.This is copied from