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Running the code

Once the configuration file has been set up with the path /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini, the code can be run via the command line or using a python script:

python -m coppafish /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini
from coppafish import run_pipeline
ini_file = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini'
nb = run_pipeline(ini_file)

If the pipeline has already been partially run and the notebook.npz file exists in the output directory, the above will pick up the pipeline from the last stage it finished. So for a notebook that contains the pages file_names, basic_info, extract, extract_debug and find_spots, running the above code will start the pipeline at the stitch stage.

Check data before running

The functions view_raw, view_filter and view_find_spots can be run before the Notebook is created if a valid configuration file is provided.

So if there is a dataset of questionable quality, it may be worth running some of these first to see if it looks ok. In particular, view_raw may be useful for checking the correct channels are used, or to see if specific tiles/z-planes should be removed.

Re-run section

If at any stage, if a section of the pipeline needs re-running, then the relevant NotebookPage must first be removed from the Notebook, before the configuration file parameters for that section can be altered.

Re-run register_initial

The code below illustrates how you can re-run the register_initial step of the pipeline with different configuration file parameters.

If the last line is uncommented, the full pipeline will be run, starting with register_initial, and the Notebook will be saved as notebook_new.npz in the output directory.

from coppafish import Notebook, run_pipeline
nb_file = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/notebook.npz'

# Save new notebook with different name so it does not overwrite old notebook
# Make sure notebook_name is specified in [file_names] section 
# of settings_new.ini file to be same as name given here.
nb_file_new = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/notebook_new.npz'
ini_file_new = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings_new.ini'

# config_file not given so will use last one saved to Notebook
nb = Notebook(nb_file)
config = nb.get_config()['register_initial']
print('Using config file saved to notebook:')
print(f"shift_max_range: {config['shift_max_range']}")
print(f"shift_score_thresh_multiplier: {config['shift_score_thresh_multiplier']}")

# Change register_initial
del nb.register_initial     # delete old register_initial        # save Notebook with no register_initial page to new file 
                            # so does not overwrite old Notebook
# Load in new notebook with new config file
nb_new = Notebook(nb_file_new, ini_file_new)
config_new = nb_new.get_config()['register_initial']
print(f'Using new config file {ini_file_new}:')
print(f"shift_max_range: {config_new['shift_max_range']}")
print(f"shift_score_thresh_multiplier: {config_new['shift_score_thresh_multiplier']}")
# nb = run_pipeline(ini_file_new)   # Uncomment this line to run pipeline starting from
                                    # register_initial
Using config file saved to notebook:
shift_max_range: [500, 500, 10]
shift_score_thresh_multiplier: 1.5
Using new config file /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings_new.ini:
shift_max_range: [600, 600, 20]
shift_score_thresh_multiplier: 1.2
input_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/raw
output_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/output
tile_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/tiles
round = Exp1_r0, Exp1_r1, Exp1_r2, Exp1_r3, Exp1_r4, Exp1_r5, Exp1_r6
anchor = Exp1_anchor
code_book = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/codebook.txt

is_3d = True
anchor_channel = 4
dapi_channel = 0
input_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/raw
output_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/output
tile_dir = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/tiles
round = Exp1_r0, Exp1_r1, Exp1_r2, Exp1_r3, Exp1_r4, Exp1_r5, Exp1_r6
anchor = Exp1_anchor
code_book = /Users/user/coppafish/experiment1/codebook.txt
notebook_name = notebook_new

is_3d = True
anchor_channel = 4
dapi_channel = 0

shift_max_range = 600, 600, 20
shift_score_thresh_multiplier = 1.2

If the section that needs running is call_reference_spots, then the procedure is slightly different because this step adds variables to the ref_spots page as well as creating the call_spots page.

The OMP section is slightly different too because it saves files to the output directory.

Exporting to pciSeq

To save the results of the pipeline as a .csv file which can then be plotted with pciSeq, one of the following can be run (assuming path to the config file is /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini and the path to the notebook file is /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/notebook.npz):

python -m coppafish /Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini -export
from coppafish import Notebook, export_to_pciseq
ini_file = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/settings.ini'
nb = Notebook(config_file=ini_file)
from coppafish import Notebook, export_to_pciseq
nb_file = '/Users/user/coppafish/experiment/notebook.npz'
nb = Notebook(nb_file)

This will save a csv file in the output_dir for each method (omp and ref_spots) of finding spots, and assigning genes to them. The names of the files are specified through config['file_names']['pciseq']. Each file will contain:

  • y - y coordinate of each spot in stitched coordinate system.
  • x - x coordinate of each spot in stitched coordinate system.
  • z_stack - z coordinate of each spot in stitched coordinate system (in units of z-pixels).
  • Gene - Name of gene each spot was assigned to.

An example file is given here.


Only spots which pass quality_threshold are saved. This depends on parameters given in config['thresholds'].

For a reference spot, \(s\), to pass the thresholding, it must satisfy the following:

\[ \displaylines{\Delta_s > \Delta_{thresh}\\ \chi_s > \chi_{thresh}} \]


  • \(\Delta_s\) is the maximum dot product score on iteration 0 for spot \(s\) across all genes (i.e. \(\Delta_s = \max_g(\Delta_{s0g})\)).
  • \(\Delta_{thresh}\) is config['thresholds']['score_ref'].
  • \(\chi_s\) is the intensity of spot \(s\).
  • \(\chi_{thresh}\) is config['thresholds']['intensity']. If this is not provided, it is set to nb.call_spots.gene_efficiency_intensity_thresh.

For an OMP spot, \(s\), to pass the thresholding, it must satisfy the following:

\[ \displaylines{\gamma_s > \gamma_{thresh}\\ \chi_s > \chi_{thresh}} \]


  • \(\gamma_s\) is the OMP score for spot \(s\).
  • \(\gamma_{thresh}\) is config['thresholds']['score_omp'].
  • \(\chi_s\) and \(\chi_{thresh}\) are the same as for the reference spots.

It is important that these thresholds are greater than 0, because when running the pipeline, we try to save a lot of spots. The idea being this is that it is better to do the thresholding after the pipeline has been run, rather than during the pipeline. This is because, if there were too few spots in the latter case, much of the pipeline would have to be re-run to obtain new spots, but in the former case, you can just change the threshold values.

Once export_to_pciseq is run, the thresholds page will be added to the notebook. This inherits all the values from the thresholds section of the config file, the purpose of which is to remove the possibility of the thresholds section in the configuration file being changed once the results have been exported.